


Job interview:


Interviewer: Good afternoon, Mr Carlyle

Candidate: Good afternoon

Interviewer: Could you tell me about your restaurant experience please?

Candidate: Of course. I have worked as a waitress in three different restaurants.

First I worked at Doodles on West Street for four years and then I spent six months at Art Centre Restaurant. My current job is at Georgies. I have been there since last August.

Interviewer: Fine. Did you have any responsibility for junior staffs or quality control in any of those jobs?

Candidate: Yes, I have. When I was at the Art Centre I supervised three junior staff. And in my current job, I have been responsible for quality control for about nine months now.

Interviewer: And tell me, why did you leave your first two jobs?

Candidate: Because I wanted to improve my job prospects.


Interviewer: Thank you for coming, Miss Presley.






Job Interviews in English



Activity 1:

estListen carefully and practise a similar dialogue in class.





Activity 2:






Licencia Creative Commons
Job Application letter and Curriculum Vitae por Profesora: Estela Godoy, Informática: Paola Moyano, desarrollado con Medhime (Américo Sirvente) se distribuye bajo una Licencia Creative Commons Atribución-NoComercial-CompartirIgual 4.0 Internacional.
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